Tickets are on sale now for our 2025 "Evening with the R.I. Presidents" is scheduled for Friday, June 20th at 5:30pm in the Imperial Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency in downtown Calgary. The "Members-only" pre-sale is available now - CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets now.

Our Mission

The purposes of the PDGs Fellowship, as stated in the bylaws, are as follows:

The primary purpose of the fellowship is to improve and enhance the existing friendship and fellowship among Rotarians who have served as district governors by increasing the number of reunions and similar events at all levels of Rotary, including the annual conventions. The secondary purposes are to provide additional opportunities for past district governors to remain actively involved and connected at the international level of Rotary and to motivate past district governors to support important Rotary activities, such as PolioPlus, TRF fundraising, international service projects, and membership growth.

Interested in Joining Us?
2024-2025 Officers
Bruce Goldsen, Chair
Mikael Ahlberg, Vice Chair
Jason Chan, Secretary
Robert Stuart, Asst. Secretary
Bruce Baumberger, Treasurer
James “Brian” Hall, Website/Technology